The daughter of Johnny Depp Lily Rose Depp has anorexia?
Since the first public appearance daughter Vanessa Paradis (43) and Johnny Depp (52) Lily-Rose (16) has won the love of millions. Fans track every single move Lily makes and worry so much about her especially recently.. The reason was her anorexic figure.
The daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis, Lily-Rose is rapidly gaining the fashion industry. But, despite the fact that she never was curvaceous and has always been slender, her new pictures shocked fans.
Paparazzi filmed Lily-Rose on the streets of Los Angeles: she was pale and coughed constantly. Fans were shocked by her thinness, some even saw clear signs of anorexia.
A few days ago the paparazzi managed to shoot Lily-Rose, when she was walking to the shops in the company of her boyfriend - male model Ash Stymest (24). But even this fairly slim guy made Lily look unnaturally thin.
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Of course, fans could not help but note that over the past few months, the daughter of Johnny Depp's really lost a tremendous amount of weight, and it is noticeable to the naked eye. Many of them believe that beauty is suffering from anorexia.
We hope that Lily-Rose become more attentive to her health.
Last year, Lily has become the new face of the fashion house Chanel and recently began work on the filming of "Planetarium". Lily's partner in the film would be Natalie Portman.
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