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How can an English aristocratic family be without its little secret? Justin Portman's biography, facts from life


According to some reports, Justin Portman was, as they said in Russia, a lord bastard, on the one hand, and on the other, the son of a cook. The old aristocrat acknowledged his paternity and gave the young Justin a proper upbringing. However, after his death, Justin's brothers quickly dealt with the undesirable presence of a "foundling" in the family business, allocating him 2 million pounds as an annual allowance. In the eyes of the average resident of England, it was just a royal gift. And according to Justin himself, it was just a handout: the family fortune was estimated at 3 billion pounds. The difference is noticeable...

Titles and reality

Justin Trevor Berkeley Portman is the full name of the Lord, a member of the family of the Peer of England, Henry Berkeley Portman. But since Justin was the youngest son, he was not entitled to a peerage title. Justin Jedlica before and after. Photo, personal life Justin Jedlica has already done 340 plastic surgeries, before and after which he always posts ... Justin on vacation Unlike his older brother, Viscount Christopher Portman, who inherited the peerage after his father, Justin was entitled to the addition of the word "venerable" to his name. Natalia Vodianova, having married Justin Portman, was also entitled to a bonus in the form of this prefix. After the dissolution of the marriage, the model lost the right to the prefix "venerable".

Childhood of almost a peer

The biography of Justin Portman began in 1969, on the day of February 23. As already mentioned, not everything was in order with his origin, but the boy was brought up in the family of his father and his wife, Penelope Ann Allin.

He received a brilliant upbringing: Sir Henry Portman assigned him to one of the most expensive, and therefore prestigious, schools in the United Kingdom - Harrow School. The offspring of aristocratic families have been studying here since 1243. We can say that the elite of British society was raised in this school. Bree Turner: roles, films, short biography Bree Turner is an actress with American citizenship. Professional dancer. State native... Justin Portman was a capable boy, his sphere of interest was and remains art and culture. So he easily mastered the school curriculum, and then passed the final exams with flying colours. And then the university. This guy had a bright future if only...

Skeleton in the closet

How can an English aristocratic family be without its little secret? In the family of peer Henry Portman, such a secret was the pernicious passion of his youngest son for cards and booze. Moreover, fortune was completely indifferent to Justin Trevor Portman: he lost huge sums. And this dependence was formed in the boy during his school years. So entrusting the family business to such a person would be too reckless.

Perhaps this reason also played a role in the distribution of the share of the inheritance among the brothers.

So, Justin Portman was talented, but weak-willed, debts grew, and he was forced to draw up the Parisian model catwalks in order to somehow cover the holes in the budget. Not much is known about his personal life at that time, perhaps because there was nothing to brag about: he began to go bald early, he was very shy about it, which did not add to his confidence. And girls pay attention to charismatic guys.

Their eyes met...


So, the prerequisites for Justin's acquaintance with a supermodel were not too impressive. And yet they met. There was an ordinary party in someone's apartment with a fair amount of booze and soft drugs. Lord Justin and a young, but already well-known model from Russia found understanding in each other on the basis of strong drinks, which allowed them to be liberated. The consequences of emancipation became apparent after a few weeks. Joslin Wildenstein before and after operations: various facts People who look unusual always attract public attention. Especially if it's... Natalya Vodyanova Natalia Vodianova at that time had a tough contract with International Models. The rules of this American agency provided for an absolutely clear algorithm of actions in such delicate cases: termination of the contract, train ticket, return to their homeland. But Natalya did not want to return to her homeland in Nizhny Novgorod ...

Model storytellers

After clarifying all the circumstances of the case, the model bosses realized that they could get the most out of this story. The PR campaign was codenamed "The Prince and the Pauper", and Mendelssohn's march was supposed to sound at the end. Neither Justin nor Vodianova had anything against it. Spouses Portman However, Britain is a country of contracts, including marriage contracts. The older brothers of the potential groom had a hand in the contract defining the conditions for marriage between Lord Justin Portman and Natalia Vodianova. At their insistence, clause No. 5 appeared in the contract, which stated that in the event of the termination of this union, children born in this marriage remain with their father or his relatives, that is, brothers. The young model was not very savvy in matters of a legal nature, and therefore signed the document without understanding all the intricacies of the case. In Russia, they have not heard anything about this at all ...

English idyll

So, the marriage was registered, and that very item number 5 seemed just nonsense. Natalia Vodianova began to be called the "honorable lady", her husband officially had the title "honorable esquire", and the couple became a regular in fashion parties, as well as social events for high society.


Justin and Natalia on vacation In this marriage, first in 2001, the son Lukas Alexander was born, then in 2006 the daughter Neva, and the last son Victor appeared - in 2007. In the beginning, life was just a rainbow cocktail of pleasures and new experiences. Natalia somehow did not pay much attention to Lord Justin's addiction to alcohol and to gambling with high stakes.

However, over time, the husband began to lose up to 200,000 pounds per night, which hit the budget quite hard. Then scenes of jealousy began, as a result of which the relationship between Justin and Natalia in every sense was reduced to zero. And if earlier spouses appeared everywhere together, then for some time now Justin Portman has been “solo” in the photo. Natalia began to talk about divorce. But then she had to study in detail the contract with the modeling agency that arranged this "fabulous union." And it said that in the event of a divorce, Vodianova must pay a monstrous penalty. Therefore, the dissolution of the marriage had to be postponed.

Final chord

The term of the current contract with the agency was expiring, when signing a new one, Natalia Vodianova insisted on the exclusion of the penalty clause in the event of her divorce. And on June 10, 2011, documents were filed for the dissolution of the marriage between Lord Portman and Natalia Vodianova. However, the Sussex County Court took into account the text of clause No. 5 of the marriage contract and reminded the model of it.


She was threatened with deprivation of parental rights for immoral behavior. Justin could talk about this, because he knew about his wife's love affair with a famous actor. And yet, the lawyers did their job: the couple managed to breed. In different directions Now each of them lives their own life. Natalia is happy with the French businessman Antoine Arnault. Justin Portman left for Uruguay, where he lives in his estate, which he began to build while still married to Natalia. And according to rumors, in Punta del Este, the lord returned to his old hobbies again: drinking and gambling.

Thus ended the tale of the Russian Cinderella and the English prince.

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