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Kokorin and Mamaev kissed on vacation in the USA: the story of a scandalous photo



Alexander Kokorin is still one of the most discussed characters in Russian sports, despite the fact that he practically does not play football. Only recently, Alexander was recognized as the “Laughing Man of the Year” in Serie A and got into the news reports as the alleged boyfriend of the top model Vika Odintsova.

Together with his friend Pavel Mamaev, Kokorin has previously been the main generator of sports media traffic - who does not remember their famous spree in Monaco or the brawl at Coffeemania, which turned into a real prison term for the players?

Bosom friends had a luxurious vacation back in 2012: nine years ago they spent a winter vacation in Miami, from where they kept a photo report on Instagram - and shocked inexperienced fans with a whole series of bold shots. 

Young players from Dynamo and CSKA flew from Russia to the United States on an Aeroflot flight.


Florida palm trees in the background.


In Miami, the players did not forget about sports: they went to the match of the local Heat basketball team



The greatest resonance in the press was caused by a picture in which Kokorin kisses Mamaev almost on the lips. Taking into account the fact that Mamaev captioned the photo “I love him” , fans and journalists had suspicions: did the players of the Russian national team made coming out?


Kokorin had to give an interview to Soviet Sport, in which he delicately explained that he and Pavel had girls: “It was funny to find out that someone reacted to our pictures with the question “What orientation are they?” I explain: I have known Pasha for a very long time, since school days. We were rivals on the field, but in life we became friends. He is like a brother to me. Did he caption the photo "I love him"? Well, yes. Like a brother. We are not free boys. Pasha has a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend. By the way, they took pictures of us. And we took pictures of them. They just didn't post it."


Another shot from Miami

Mamaev, unlike Kokorin, was clearly angry. “It didn’t even occur to me which way this discussion would go! But each, to the extent of his depravity, sees what he wants to see. And what is close to him, ”Pavel raged in an interview with SE. He also got angry when he was asked a standard question from the questionnaire: “What should an ideal girl look like? If I say that she should look like Kokorin, will you rejoice?"

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